Sunday, March 10, 2013

1st Post Surgery Entry

Ok, guys---- I flippin' made it.  It was a 5.5 hour surgery. I woke up to surprisingly very little swelling. Docs and nurses were impressed.  I saw my "after x-ray," and I was just thrilled with what I saw. My top jaw is now sooo straight. No more cant! Also my left side of my face is more swollen than the right because the Doc put an implant in the lower left side of my face to help counter the asymmetry in my lower jaws/chin.

This is day two after surgery, and my swelling has definitely increased now. Everyone (the fam) says it's not that bad, and surprisingly low compared to what they expected, but I've seen the pics and I'm not sure I agree. I think I look like "fat Monica" from Friends. Though I will say that since late  yesterday afternoon I haven't seen too much more swelling. Though I don't expect this to last.  I expect that day 3 and 4 will probably be bad swelling days, but I did start retaking my vitamins/supplements again about an hour ago today, so maybe they'll help considering most of them are for inflammation? In order to take them, my mom crushes them down and mixes them into my protein shakes or juice. Otherwise they would be much too foul tasting to just mix with water.

I am also drinking my special herbal teas that my Chinese herbal doc gave me for swelling and a little pain management. I'm kinda wondering if this is why there wasnt much change in swelling between yesterday and today.

I'm also taking the pain killers the doc gave me because they really help me sleep during the day and at night. I don't think I'm in pain, just really frickin uncomfortable, which makes it hard to sleep, so I take the pain killers.

Also, so far I have not had too hard a time breathing through my nose. On day zero and one it was like I had a constant nosebleed, and I  expected the dry blood to make breathing difficult, but this has not been the case. I took one spray of Afrin late last night and haven't needed any more since. I also have used my humidifier almost non-stop since being home to help with the dry blood in the nose.

Additionally, considering that Bromelain is so good for swelling of the face, and for clearing sinuses, I'm almost positive that taking as much as I did before surgery has really made a difference in my ability to breathe comfortably. I only very occasionally get the urge to want to blow my nose (which we're all forbidden to do for a few weeks).

I took a 15 minute walk this morning with my dad around my neighborhood, but I must've overdone it because I was parched when I got home, downed some water too fast and then immediately threw up. I know it's super important to walk, so I'm going to attempt three 10 minute (slow) walks a day. Ill admit, though, all I really want to do is stay wrapped up in blankets and jaw bra on my couch and sleep all day.

In fact even finding energy to post this entry was hard. I would love to give you guys a day by day update starting with Day 0, but I think I'll have to attempt this tomorrow or whenever I feel a little more up to it.

There are pictures!  My sister has been taking them for me. I will post them in the next couple of posts-- too tired right now.

Sorry for the not so detailed update, but just wanted to let you all know what my immediate physical reactions have been since surgery, and of course to let you know I'm alive. :)

Finally, good luck to fellow jaw blogger, Esmeralda. I know you go in tomorrow for surgery. You'll be in my thoughts tomorrow! Sending good vibes your way.

Thanks again for all the support jaw surgery bloggers. I'll be in touch.again soon.



  1. Yay! Now officially a member of the post surgery club. Hope your healing continues to go well. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Great you made it!!!!I know how you feel lol.look forward to the rest of your post

  3. Congratulations on being post surgery Adrienne! Hope your swelling doesn't get any worse and you continue to heal well. It is super interesting hearing about the benefits of all your vitamins and herbal remedies.
