Thursday, March 7, 2013

Supplies Lists

Alright, fellow jaw surgery patients!  I've got much less than 24 hours to go until I go under for double jaw surgery, and just like Santa, I'm making my lists and checking them twice. ;) 

The first list is of the basic supplies I've bought for at-home recovery.  The second list is for my one-night hospital stay. 

List #1: Basic Supplies for At-Home Recovery
  1. Aquaphor lip balm (I've read on other blogs that this stuff is simply the best, so I bought two tubes of it)
  2. Baby toothbrush (I'll also use my water-pik very gently starting around day 4/5 per my Doc's advice)
  3. Sippy Cups (though I've been told I'll be given a big syringe, my doc encourages use of a sippy cup asap)
  4. Coconut water for natural electrolytes and hydration
  5. Baby booger suction thingy (I don't have kids, and unfortunately don't know the real name for this thing, but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about) :)  
  6. Probiotic's (the anti-biotics I'll be taking will wreak havoc on my stomach and kill off all the good bacteria my stomach needs. Probiotics will help bring back some of that good bacteria).  
  7. Prune Juice (this tip I got from fellow blogger Post Grad Grin--thank you!).  It had totally slipped my mind that the pain killers, trauma, and antibiotics combo will probably leave me constipated, so prune juice it is).
  8. Vegan protein powder.  I've found the best tasting to be the vanilla Sun Warrior brand.  Blended with a some almond milk, and then strained should make it a decent enough meal replacement, and easy enough to fit into the giant syringe the hospital gave me to squirt liquids into my mouth.
  9. A mirror to help me find my mouth when I can't feel it and need to "eat."
  10. Donut shaped airplane neck pillow 
  11. Jaw bra with gel pack inserts for icing
  12. One of those big bed pillows with arms for staying upright while sleeping
  13. Baby spoons (for when I advance to the soft/mushy food phase)
  14. Baby wet-wipes (for my face)
  15. My vitamins and supplements that the Doc has given me the okay to take after surgery.  These include: Vitamin C w/rose hips, Calcium, Arnica (helps w/ bruising and swelling), Vitamin B complex (to promote nerve regeneration), Krill Oil (Same as fish oil.  I did not take this before surgery.  This and fish oils before surgery can cause excess bleeding.  AFTER surgery, however, krill and fish oils are wonder drugs for inflammation and pain, among other benefits), and I'll continue to take my Bromelain/Quercetin/Turmeric.
  16. A pill crusher
  17. Humidifier (hopefully it will help me breathe a little better)
  18. Ocean Nasal Spray and Afrin (prescribed to me by my doctor).  I'm only to use the Afrin for a maximum of 3 days.
I think that's the most important stuff I've gotten so far.  I'll let you guys know which of it comes in handy the most once I get there.  Now for the hospital, here's what I've got packed:
  1. Robe
  2. Pajama pants, and my favorite zip up hoodie
  3. Slippers (and socks)
  4. Deoderant
  5. Q-tips (for my nose)
  6. Cell phone and charger 
  7. iPad (for movies/games/internet access)
  8. Pad and paper (maybe a mini dry erase board if I can find one before tomorrow) to communicate with after surgery
  9. Aquaphor
  10. Prescribed nasal sprays
  11. Neck pillow
  12. Jaw bra (in case the one the hospital gives me is uncomfortable)
I'll only be there for a night, with an early release in the morning (if all is well), so I don't want to take too much--- just the necessities.  I figure I'll be too out of it to want to keep myself occupied with a book or even the iPad, but if I don't use it I know my mom will, she's so addicted to that thing!

Anyway, this is the most important stuff I could think to pack and have ready at home.  Please feel to use the comments section to suggest other items you think I left off that might come in handy--- I truly appreciate any and all tips and suggestions. 

When I get to the weeks where I can transition into a more substantial diet I'll do my best to post a list of the soft food items I plan on attempting to eat, and let you guys know what works and what doesn't.  Well, for me anyway. 

Finally, for the sake of relaxing before surgery in order to stay calm, I'll be doing some yoga this evening and first thing in the morning with my yogi neighbor.  She has kindly offered to guide me through some relaxing flows and positions at 5am before I head off for surgery.  I do yoga regularly, and personally find it very calming. 

Which brings me to my final point.  I am so lucky and so grateful to have so many wonderful family and friends who have been so supportive and encouraging the whole way through this process.  My mom, dad, sister and brother will all be at the hospital with me tomorrow, and I couldn't ask for a better rock of support like my family. 

I'm scared, but only because this is my first surgery.  Other than that, I think I'm ready. 

Let's do this. 


  1. Dont be scared its not bad. Im looking out for all your recovery post chick!! Your day is almost here to crossover in the Jaw world yayyyy!!!! My one night stay in the hospital I was so out of it and fustrated I didn't use nothing. I packed I didn't even want the tv on lol. I was so ready to go home that nxt day. Lol
    Have goodnights rest!! A fellow jaw patient told me to be a F.R.O.G=FULLY.Rely.On.GOD

    1. Thank you so much, Kristi. I'm looking forward to crossing over and starting the recovery. I have a feeling I'll be out of it too while in the hospital (judging from everyone else's experiences), and that I won't want much of anything except my own bed, but I figure it never hurts to be prepared. :) I'll definitely keep you and everyone else posted with all the recovery pics and posts. Hope you're feeling much better these days!

    2. Praying that all is well chick!! Yes I am doing better just last night my breathing got better lol. 2More wks I will be back to work not ready really

  2. I´m so excited for your surgery! I know that probably sounds wrong but you know what I mean :)
    Be sure that I will be sending good vibes your way and I hope the recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

    1. Thank you so much! The good vibes must've helped. The surgeon and assistant doctor were both really happy with how it all went. If they're happy, then I am too. :)

  3. Really excited for you!
    P.s you can download a free app on your ipad to use as a whiteboard :)
    I can't wait to see the new you! Good luck x

    1. Corrinne, your suggestion was a life saver. My family could not understand my grunts as much as I'd hoped. I downloaded the app, and it helped a lot, until I got tired, and couldn't stare at lit up screen anymore. Thank you again!

  4. I'm really impatient for an update! Hope you are being given loads of TLC by your loved ones :)

    1. I'm waiting too!! I hope everything came out great.

    2. Good luck to you tomorrow Esmeralda!! Stay calm and enjoy the "nap." All will be well, you'll see.

  5. Great List. I'm having surgery on March 28th and I've been struggling to come up with ideas as to what I'm going to need and I'd rather be over prepared then worry about things later.

    best of luck!

    1. Best of luck to you, Laura! I used everything on my hospital list, and I'm using most of the stuff for at home recovery. Don't worry about forgetting something, if you have family taking care of you (like I've had), they'll be happy to get you whatever you need.
